Thursday, 22 November 2018


Dr Romer and Mark
In October I was appointed Director of Missions and Outreach by Executive Director Dr. Kenneth Romer. In addition to oversight of facilities and general maintenance and my favorite position of Planetarium Director, my new position will give me oversight of all evangelism and training, outreach, and foreign mission group interaction and their outreach. This position matches well with my gifting and passion for evangelism, which is at the heart of ministry at Adventure Learning Centre & Camp. 

At Calvary Chapel Ft. Lauderdale

Last month I traveled to Calvary Chapel, Ft. Lauderdale for a week and a half Missions Conference. Myself and about two-dozen other missionaries were pampered, ministered to and given multiple opportunities to connect with the body and to share our ministries from all over the globe. I was sent out from this church over 17 years ago. The conference was a sweet time of fellowship, bonding with the other missionaries, reconnecting with old friends and meeting new ones. Please pray that some people I connected with would join me in becoming part of my support team and that others might be lead to come and be a part of the ALC missionary team.

Hope for Kids training
Last week myself and three other ALC staff members attended an intensive two-day ‘Hope For Kids” evangelism training at a local church in Nassau. “Hope for Kids” is a branch of “Evangelism Explosion” specifically designed to train children to clearly share the good news of Jesus with their friends and school mates.  Twenty-five years ago, shortly after receiving Christ as my savior, I was trained and then became an EE trainer for many years. This training has resulted in the awesome privilege of being able to plant thousands of “seeds” into the lives of children and adults all over the world and through the ministry at ALC over the past 17 years. 

Christmas Lights Drive-Thru flyer

We are only a few weeks away Christmas Lights Walk/Drive Thru. This year’s event will be different. Visitors will be able to walk through the lights displays, be entertained by musicians and dancers, be engaged by Bible Characters sharing the gospel and of course enjoy good food and Christmas goodies for the first two weekends of the walk through.  Then for the last few nights before Christmas, families will be able to drive through the awesome displays of lights.  Please pray for a huge response to this Christmas event and for thousands to hear about the greatest Gift ever offered to mankind.

Thank you for you for your prayer and support. If you would like support my ministry at ALC click here; Support Mark at ALC or you can write a check to GO!Ministries and mail it to; 270 East Palais Road, Anaheim, CA 92850. Make sure to write my missionary #1273 in the memo space. 

Monday, 30 July 2018

Thank you!

I want to start with a sincere Thank You! I am very grateful for you and your financial support and prayer. I am also constantly aware that without you, I would not be able to do what I have been born (again) to do. As I may have said before, my life verse is Ephesians 2:10; For we are God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works which He prepared in advance for us to do. God saved me to tell others about Him, and when I’m doing so, I feel His pleasure. 
Combine 80 children, 20 counselors, a ton of fun, a bunch of love and 90 plus degrees over 6 weeks and what do you have…..ALC Summer Camp! We just finished a fantastic time. I always say that it’ the most physically exhausting but most spiritually energizing time of every year. I love it as much as the children. We saw a record number of campers; many repeat campers and many came for the first time. Each week was an awesome combination of worship, sports, crafts, swimming, bible lessons, dance class, field trips tied together with an amazing blend of local and volunteer staff. Most importantly the children were loved on and individually sat with over the course of each week to delve into their spiritual condition, answer their questions and explain the Gospel message. It is also encouraging that each year former campers who have grown up and taken their relationship with Christ earnestly, come back to serve as Summer Camp counselors.

Summer tours are another part of the season. With a hundred other summer camps around the island, a favorite destination for many is Adventure Learning Centre. This year as in the past, I spearheaded summer tours. Groups of as many as 80 children are treated to an opening puppet show with a clear presentation of the Gospel, a train ride and wetlands safari, an interactive petting farm tour and a romp on the playground.  This outreach gives us a chance to impact many hundreds of other children around Nassau that we would otherwise not be able to accommodate in our own summer camp. 

Meet Byron, I met him about 13 years ago when at 9 years old he joined our after school Adventure Club. Through the 5th & 6thgrade Byron would faithfully show up at our weekly Adventure Club where we would teach bible lessons, play games, bring animals from ALC and love on the children. Byron trusted in Jesus as his Savior! Now Byron is grown up and a few courses from graduating from the University of the Bahamas but most importantly Byron is a committed Christian walking with Jesus and very involved in his church. We have kept in touch calling each other, sharing our lives and praying with each other. I am proud of Byron and the young man he has become. Please pray for Byron and that he continues strong in the Lord.

As we look forward to the new school year, I will take a few weeks off over August and head up to see my family and longtime friends in upstate New York and then swing through Ft. Lauderdale to visit friends and Calvary Chapel. I hope to see you during this trip. One need that the ALC has is staffing. In addition to my passion and gifting of teaching and sharing the Gospel, I have been helping fill a greatly needed position of facilities and vehicle maintenance.  Another missionary staff member, Aaron and I have been taking care of the constant need of maintenance and repairs. This is an area that needs at least two full time skilled persons; someone with building and construction skills and a vehicle mechanic. If you know of someone who has these skills and might like to serve with us, please let us know.

Thank you for you for your prayer and support. If you would like support my ministry at ALC click here; Support Mark at ALC or you can write a check to GO!Ministries and mail it to; 270 East Palais Road, Anaheim, CA 92850. Make sure to write my missionary #1273 in the memo space. 

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

He is Alive!

Things are moving forward at the Adventure Learning Centre & Camp!

For several years we have been praying for a Bahamian Executive Director to come and fill the void. Actually that has been the goal of the founder and board of directors since our inception, 25 years ago.  Earlier this month that prayer was answered.  The board appointed Dr. Kenneth Romer, a Bahamian businessman and pastor, as Executive Director. We are excited to see God reveal His plans for the future of the Centre and Camp. Kenneth is well connected to the local churches, the Government and the Bahamian business community. His plans are to get all three of these entities more involved in ALC&C to help us increase funding to be able to minister to more children.  An added blessing to me is that his placement will free me up to be able to focus on my gifting of teaching and sharing the gospel with more students.

You may know that Adventure Learning Centre uses a science-based educational program to attract school students and we share Christian principles and the gospel through our teaching. About 80% of our educational field trip program is derived from the Ministry of Education general science guidelines for each grade level and 20% is integrated Christian principles along with a clear presentation of the gospel.  I had a teacher video a portion of my class to show how I weave Christ into my classroom teaching. In this illustration I compare the planets that reflect the sunlight to how Christians should reflect the Son’s light.  Check it out by clicking this link; Classroom teaching

Please pray for our up coming Easter Monday Funday on Monday April 2nd. We hope to see over 2,000 children and parents come out to enjoy a day of family fun. We have horse rides, train ride with a gospel skit, planetarium shows, carnival games, nerf gun wars, laser tag, a rock climbing wall, Easter Egg hunts all day long, food and most importantly the story of the most amazing victory that ever happened….He Lives!

Thank you for you for your prayer and support. If you would like support my ministry at ALC click; Support Mark at ALC link or you can write a check to GO!Ministries and mail it to; 270 East Palais Road, Anaheim, CA 92850. Make sure to write my missionary #1273 in the memo space.