Monday, 8 August 2016

What a GREAT Summer!

Yes, the days were hot, yes the days were long BUT the summer was Awesome! Over the 6 weeks of Adventure Learning Centre summer camp, 483 children came, had a blast, learned, were loved and heard the good news of the One who sent His Son. Many of the children return year and for all or most of the 6 weeks of summer camp. 

For part of the time I was the "Wacky Science Professor". From sports to crafts to gardening to wacky science and Bible class, Jesus was lifted up and shared in a fun and unique way. We learned things, burned things and  we "Magnified the SON"!

There are so many parallels that can be drawn between the Creator and His creation and the laws that govern it. But, even more importantly, relationships were forged and fostered between campers and staff, campers and each other and most importantly between campers and our relational God.

When I was not teaching science I was hosting campers from other summer camps for a tour of the ALC. This included a puppet show, train ride tour of the nature trails and wetlands, a petting farm tour, time on the super slide and playground and the gospel presented in a closing puppet show. We saw 764 children and adults come on a summer tour.

As Paul said; "I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth".  Thank you for your part in enabling me to be a "sower" in the center of God's will for my life. I absolutely love what I do and as I look forward to the fall school semester, again my goal is to share the Gospel with every 6th grader in the government school system in Nassau, Bahamas.

My family and I are heading to NY to visit family and friends and a church in Piseco, NY to raise support and then to Ft. Lauderdale for more of the same. Please pray for us as we go.

If you would like to help me share the gospel with Bahamian children and would be willing to sacrifice some of your hard earned money, I would be blessed. You can donate thru GO! Ministries online at    My missionary account # is 1273. 

1 comment:

  1. this is amazing mark keep up the good work. may god cotinue to bless both you and your family.
