Monday, 29 May 2017

Final 2017 Semester Update

A full class!

It's been a great spring semester! This is the time of the year when 5th and 6th graders cover the solar system. Many teachers book an ALC planetarium field trip. This has resulted in thousands of students coming in the last few months.  I live for a classroom full of 50 to 60 children as I teach about God's incredible creation while sharing His amazing love for them.     
Fully honored!

Recently a fifth grade Government school class blessed me with an award. This is a first in almost 16 years. It's enough of a reward for me to see the children's joy as they get on the bus to come to ALC. I was so humbled and honored to accept a beautiful fruit basket and plaque from the teachers and students.
A full bus!
It is such a privilege and blessing to carry a class or two of Government school students to the ALC as they  sing Christian songs on the way. So many times over the past few months students have told me... "This is the best day ever!" As portrayed in the movie Chariots of Fire, Christian running star Eric Liddell once said, “God made me fast, and when I run, I feel His pleasure.” I can relate to this passion for performing God's will... God gave me a passion to tell people about Him, and when I do, I feel His pleasure! 

A full basket!
We had a great Easter Monday fun day. Almost 1,500 children and their parents came and enjoyed Easter Egg hunts, horse rides, train rides, carnival games, planetarium shows, rock climbing and food and drinks as they heard about the One whom we celebrate Easter. The Easter eggs had candy and scripture verses, the train ride had a skit that clearly presented the gospel and when they came to the planetarium, I had a captive audience to share with. Many were blessed with a fun family event while hearing of the resurrection story. The day is also an opportunity to raise much needed funds to run the school field trip programs that are highly supplemented by fun day events, donations, volunteer workers like myself and foreign mission groups coming to serve at Adventure Learning Camp.
Full of love!
Of course in The Bahamas, Easter Sunday also means putting on your best and going to church. Adam and Ava, and mommy and daddy (not pictured here) celebrated the resurrection day of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, in style. It was 24 years ago while in Catholic church I heard the song “Hear Oh Lord the sound of my call” that I felt God calling me to a closer relationship with Him. Within a few weeks, one Saturday night as Billy Graham preached on tv, I trusted Jesus alone for the forgiveness of my sins, received Him as my Savior and became a child of God!

Half full boardwalk restoration

We are still rebuilding and restoring damage from Hurricane Matthew that hit us last October. Our maintenance crew along with a foreign mission team did a great job reconstructing one leg of our boardwalk. We can now access the wetlands observation tower. It has been a blessing to many students who come to learn about the importance of wetlands while immersed in a mangrove swamp. This time the concrete piles are anchored into the rock substrate and the boardwalk is anchored to the piles. We are holding to the truth that when we build on the Rock, we will weather the storms!

A full Summer!
We are coming upon the most challenging and most rewarding time of the year, SUMMER CAMP! We will soon have over 80 children a day from 9am to 4pm, participating in sports, crafts, animal care, dance, archery and of course bible classes. That’s just the morning, after lunch the campers go either to the beach, a field trip, on-site water games  or end of week awards ceremony. This goes on for 6 weeks! With average temperatures in the 90’s and humidity just about the same, the only way to make it through the summer is complete dependence on the power of the Holy Spirit. Please pray for the staff at ALC.  

Thank you to all who are a part of my ministry at Adventure Learning Centre. If you would like to have a part in helping me share the gospel with Bahamian children, my family and I would be truly blessed. You can donate by clicking on GO!Ministries or by copying into your browser. This will take you directly to  my missionary account #1273.   

1 comment:

  1. Truly Wonderful to read of your continued "pleasure" in reaching and teaching the children at ALC.
