Tuesday 16 April 2019

Spring! Alive!

St. Cecilia's Primary
SC McPherson Jr High
It's been a great spring semester at Adventure Learning Centre. This is the time of year that many government schools study the solar system and book a field trip to the ALC.  In the past several weeks I have hosted many Primary, Jr. High and High school classes. Last week I had 91 Jr. High school students and 4 teachers in the classroom and planetarium, the largest group ever!  I don't know how many times I've said it, but this is my greatest joy, I truly become a different person when I teach and share the gospel with the students and teachers as I serve in the roll of planetarium director.

Governor General, Randy Grebe and family & ALC staff
The founders of the ALC, Randy and Kim Grebe, along with Randy's mother and father, Grace & Roger and his siblings visited us while they were celebrating Roger's 85th birthday on a family cruise. It is always so good to see "Uncle Randy" and hear one of his numerous stories. He is an amazing man of God who I have considered someone to emulate since I met him back in 2001. We were able to schedule a courtesy visit to the Governor General of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas, Dame Marguerite Pindling.  It was a very special day.

Kadisha Nesbit
Another special treat happened to me when a 1st grade Queens College primary school teacher approached me as I was working on repairing one of our buses. She said; "I have to see Mark". Kadisha Nesbit came on a field trip as a 6th grader from Thelma Gibson primary school and has since grown up, went to college and became a teacher herself. This was her first year as a teacher and she said she had to bring her class to the ALC. It was amazing how she remembered  so many details of her field trip to the planetarium 14 years earlier. Kadisha is now a committed Christian whom I'm sure will make an eternal impact on the youth of the Bahamas.  
Mark and Patric Wallace
As director of missions and outreach I also get the opportunity to serve foreign missions teams that come for a week or so to serve in the Bahamas. I had the pleasure of working with a Jr High and High school group from Atlantic Christian Academy as they ministered along side us. I am always encouraged to see young people who have a heart to see others come to know the love of Jesus. While they were here we went to the All Saints Camp to minister to residents there. I ran into an old friend Patrick Wallace who has lived at All Saints for years.
Atlantic Christian Academy

Funday Flyer
We are days away from our annual Easter Monday Funday. This year we expect to see over 3,000 children and adults as families from all over the island come to enjoy a day of food, fun, games, train rides, horse rides, Easter Egg hunts, music, skits, planetarium shows and much more... The much more is that at every location our staff and volunteers will share the good news of the greatest event that ever occurred...HE IS ALIVE!, and He so wants to us to know Him, Love Him and serve Him. Pray for an awesome day, and for families to experience His love at ALC Easter Monday Funday! 

Thank you for you for your prayer and support. If you would like support my ministry at ALC click here; Support Mark at ALC or you can write a check to GO!Ministries and mail it to; 270 East Palais Road, Anaheim, CA 92850. Make sure to write my missionary #1273 in the memo space. 

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