Monday, 8 June 2020

Time to Pause

Hello friends! Although I have reached out to many of you personally by email last December, I haven't written a newsletter blog since hurricane Dorian September 2019. So many things have been occurring at Adventure Learning Centre & Camp (ALC&C) and in my life since then. Here is a pictorial update of the highlights!


After hurricane Dorian devastated Abaco and Grand Bahama, hundreds of people from these islands came to Nassau. In October ALC&C received a donation of two trailers of relief supplies to distribute to people in need. Over the next two months we were able to distribute these supplies to shelters, orphanages and individuals throughout the island.
Thank You!

 It was such a blessing to be able to minister physically, materially and spiritually to those in need. 

My sending church, Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale has a Christian school, Calvary Christian Academy (CCA). Every January, their 8th graders come to ALC&C, over a two week period, on a mission trip. It is an intense and awesome time of ministry. It gives me time to catch up with old friends. 

My Mentors!
Chris Lane and Brody Howel were a youth pastor and leader who were both instrumental in mentoring me in the beginning of my walk with Christ back in 1993.
 Ministry at Yellow Elder
The CCA 8th graders would storm various primary schools with music, face painting, games and most importantly the Love of Christ.

CCA Ministry at the ALC
Third and fourth grade Bahamian students would storm the ALC&C to be ministered to by the 8th grade CCA students while getting blown away by the love the Bahamian children had for them.

At the end of the day the CCA students would reflect and relish in the reciprocal Christian love they took part in each day.
CCA devotions

Meet Colton, I first met Colton 17 or 18 years ago when he was in 5th grade at an after school Adventure Club. He would faithfully come to club every Wednesday to sit under our teaching as we brought the ALC to the schools in the form of small animals, games a bible study and discipleship. I lost touch with Colton but one day early this year when he saw me out and about, he exclaimed with excitement... "MARK!?!?". I didn't remember him at first, but after he reminded me of the great times he had at Adventure Club, the cob webs of time cleared. I was so blessed to hear that he is walking with the Lord and is currently serving in the youth ministry at his church! Although young adults who remember me from their school days approach me regularly, it is especially gratifying to see those who love Jesus and are serving Him. Please pray for Colton and the countless others who have heard of the love that Christ has for them at Adventure Club. 

We have not had any school students at ALC&C since mid-March. Although I have been helping with the animal care and ground maintenance which are aspects of the ministry over the last months, the site is lonely without the joyous daily excitement of children.

Due to the current pandemic, which has resulted in the lack of school programs, a decision to cancel summer camp had to be made. The board has also decided to completely shut down the ALC&C and assess the direction for the Fall semester. For this reason, after 18 years of service with only a few weeks of respite at a time, I am now on a sabbatical.  I look forward to spending more quality time with my family, helping my wife Kim with her wedding invitation business and relocating to a new space and visiting family and friends in the states when the borders open.

I am so thankful that you are a part of the ministry in The Bahamas with me.

Thank you for you for your prayer and support. If you would like support my ministry at ALC click here; Support Mark at ALC or you can write a check to GO!Ministries and mail it to; 270 East Palais Road, Anaheim, CA 92850. Make sure to write my missionary #1273 in the memo space. 

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